15 April 2021

Finding your body confidence again after childbirth

Being a mum is an exciting time, but having a baby brings many physical changes that can affect how we feel about ourselves. New mums often have a catalogue of post-pregnancy changes to contend with, such as swift weight gain, an over-stretched abdomen, breasts losing shape and volume, and a fresh network of stretch marks!

Whilst a few women can bounce back to their pre-pregnancy body within weeks, for most it’s a much longer process and for some, their bodies will never be the same. If you’re looking to return to your pre-pregnancy body confidence, or even take it to the next level, then a tummy tuck might be the procedure for you.

This procedure works for patients who want to target areas of their body that they’re unhappy with after pregnancy. Having a chat with our experienced surgeons can help you to plan your surgery and recovery time. 

When can I have surgery?

As a new mum, you can undergo these procedures around 6 -12 months after childbirth, if you feel ready. You should bear in mind that if you plan to have more children your surgeon will typically not perform a surgical procedure, especially on your abdomen, until you’ve completed your family unit, as having more children will most likely reverse the results of the procedure.

Every body is different, and so you might be considering other procedures as well as your tummy tuck. Many women opt for the ‘mummy makeover’ – where they will combine a tummy tuck with a breast augmentation and/or breast lift. There are finance offers available should you choose to have both procedures at the same time – if you’d like to learn more, then please get in touch today.

Patient experience

After having her children and losing a substantial amount of weight, Helen knew that she wouldn’t be able to achieve the body she wanted through exercise alone. She had excess skin as well as muscle separation, so she decided to move forward with surgery that she’d dreamed of for so long.

Having had her tummy tuck in December 2019, Helen’s life has completely changed. She says, “If you were to compare me with the person I was before surgery, you’d barely recognise me! An unexpected result of my new body is that I’m more likely to run, work out, jump around and play with my children. It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to do all of these things without worrying about how I look. I don’t even care about my post-baby stretch marks – anyone who wants to see my amazing new flat stomach can get an eyeful whenever they like!”

Non-surgical options

If you’re not quite ready to have surgery yet, whether that’s because you’re planning on having more children or you want to lose a bit more weight first, there are lots of affordable non-surgical options you could try. From shifting some of those stubborn pockets of fat with CoolSculpting, to brightening up dull sleep-deprived skin with microdermabrasion, we have an array of medical aesthetic options available to keep you going until you’re ready for your dream surgery.


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