05 July 2022

How Full Monty fever has led to surge in men looking to get lean

As the iconic 90s hit makes a return, Transform reveals a rise in men opting for cosmetic surgery procedures

It’s been 25 years since BAFTA-winning hit The Full Monty appeared on our screens, with cast members proudly displaying their body confidence to appear in the fearless film. 

Now a TV sequel bringing the cast back together for a new eight-part series has highlighted a shift in attitudes towards masculinity and how men feel about their bodies more than two decades later. 

While some Full Monty cast members looked super honed and lean in the original version back in 1997, the actors have returned to embrace their natural bodies for the latest version.  

The ‘dad bod' movement has seen men move away from the pressure to look perfect, though -  statistics collated by Transform show a rise in men opting for weight loss management procedures such as bariatric surgery, as well as male breast surgery and other ‘tweakments’. 

Transform carries out thousands of procedures each year and has seen a steady stream of men booking in for a selection of surgeries, as well as non-surgical treatments – showing that males across the UK have not been immune to the lockdown ‘Zoom Boom’ in surgical and non-surgical procedures. 

Operations booked for males in 2022 have seen an increase of 59% against the average of the previous three years, with a 53% increase since last year alone.  

The main increase has been in cosmetic body procedures (34% against a three-year average) and weight management procedures, which have soared by 260% within the last three years.  

Christine Mozzamdar, Clinical Services Director at Transform, said: “Back in the 90s when the original Full Monty was released, it was much more ‘taboo’ for men to undergo cosmetic procedures unless they were in the spotlight, and even then, it was very rarely something that people would discuss publicly. 

“Fast forward more than twenty years, and we now have so many famous male footballers, actors and influencers who will openly discuss having had work done such as hair transplants, anti-wrinkle procedures, weight loss treatment and rhinoplasty. As a result, we have seen more males come in for procedures across the board, for issues large or small, and they feel liberated for doing so.”

The term ‘dad bod’ first went viral in 2015, when Hollywood star Leonardo Di Caprio was pictured shirtless on the beach with a supermodel. According to a survey of singles conducted by Dating.com throughout the pandemic, nearly 75% of singles said they were more attracted to a “dad bod” over any other body type — including washboard abs.*  

And as cosmetic treatments and bariatric surgery become more commonplace in society, men are becoming more confident in opting for procedures which make them feel more liberated in themselves and their own skin.   

This comes as former TOWIE star James ‘Arg’ Argent, 34, unveiled a whole new look after losing an incredible 13-stone following gastric bypass surgery carried out by Transform last year.   

Christine continued: “Our statistics show that men also care about their health and want to maintain a healthy BMI, without feeling pressurised to meet the unrealistic image of what’s perceived as ‘perfect.’   

“Men are opting for certain procedures to not only look younger and feel better about themselves, but to address health concerns such as being overweight, too. It’s about embracing the body that they have already and enhancing it slightly.” 

The top five treatments for men in 2022 according to Transform are:

  1. Gastric sleeve weight loss surgery
  2. Gynaecomastia (male breast reduction surgery)
  3. Gastric band / bypassweight loss surgery
  4. Liposuction
  5. Rhinoplasty (nose job) 


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