10 February 2021

Want to be fuzz-free for summer? Then you need to start now!

Scanty swimsuits, Daisy Dukes and floaty summer dresses are staple pieces in many of our summer wardrobes. And while it might feel like a lifetime until we can expect the sun to reappear, now is actually the best time to begin prepping for the summer.

Yes, that’s right – we’re suggesting you start thinking today about the treatments you need to be summer-ready! And that’s especially true if you’d like to be carefree and hair-free when the heat is on.

Tranform's senior medical aesthetician, Mamuna Arshad, has helped many people prepare for summer over the years. Here she walks us through our hair removal options:

“No matter how savvy you are regarding medical aesthetic and over-the-counter hair removal options, deciding on a hair removal technique can be baffling. Weighing up the pros and cons of each treatment are crucial if you’re to make the choice that’s right for you.

For example, shaving is quick and easy, and because of that it’s often the go-to choice. For many people, though, it can have a drying effect on the skin and/or cause a shaving rash. Shaving hair only lasts around 2 days, and so upkeep very quickly turns into an inconvenient chore.

Then there’s the option of 3-weekly appointments to your local beauty salon for waxing. Though it may be affordable, those of us who have been waxed know that it can also hurt like crazy!

Both of these methods mask the primary, underlying nuisance of hair growth, meaning that the constant challenge of pruning and upkeep can feel endless.

My advice is: For a long-term, permanent solution, try laser hair removal, because it could be the best decision you make!

It’s a safe, time-saving, confidence-boosting treatment which is performed by our laser experts. Laser hair removal can get rid of unwanted hair on almost any area of your face and body, so you can spend more time on the things that really matter to you.

Having laser hair removal treatment during the winter months means you can prepare for the summer in plenty of time, as the skin can’t be over exposed to sunlight during your course of treatment.”

Key facts about laser hair removal

  • At Transform, we have many years of experience in laser hair removal and perform this treatment on both women and men. 
  • Our devices treat small and large areas of unwanted hair with minimal discomfort.
  • Laser hair removal treatment works for all skin types and on variable hair types (fine, medium or course hair).However, it does not work on red, blonde or grey hair. 
  • Patients seeking laser hair removal are advised to avoid sun exposure and tanning products for up to six weeks prior to their first treatment, as well as during their course of treatment.
  • You should expect a minimum of 8 treatments per area to maximise reduction and removal of hair. Of course, more sessions may be needed depending upon the type of hair and the area being treated.
  • The reduction of regrowth per session varies by location on the face and body, though a noticeable 10-20% reduction in hair growth can be expected with each treatment.
  • Treatments are repeated every four weeks for the face and every six weeks for the body. There’s no benefit to having treatment earlier.
  • When you’re having a course of treatment, you can shave in-between sessions to manage your hair regrowth. You cannot wax the areas, though, as this will remove the follicle for your next treatment, so it will be ineffective.
  • Your hair regrowth following treatment tends to be sparser and finer in texture.
  • Patients are instructed to avoid sun exposure and to use a cream with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 50 following the procedure.
  • The results of laser hair removal are amazing! We’ll usually propose a 6-12 month ‘top up’ treatment to fully keep your hairs at bay.

Remember, your medical aesthetic practitioner will always be on hand to give you support before, during and after treatment.

What to expect from us

At your consultation, your practitioner will assess your skin and hair type and describe how the treatment works and how it can benefit you. They’ll tell you exactly how the laser works and give you the essential aftercare advice you need.

A patch test to the area being treated will also be carried out on the day. It’s worth noting that a treatment can only be carried out 24-48 hours after the patch test. 

You’ll need to shave the area being treated the day before your treatment. The length of time your treatment will take will vary - for example, underarms can take around 30 minutes, whereas a full leg can take around 90 minutes.

You’ll feel a slight, hot pin sensation, but it’s pain free. Most of our lasers are equipped with a cooling device that reduces the discomfort and protects the top layers of skin. After the treatment, a cooling gel or a skin soother can be applied to protect the treated area as required. 

Your practitioner will schedule your next appointment. The aftercare will be discussed at length and a patient guide will be given to you so that you can follow our recommended advice. There is normally very little time needed to recover from laser hair removal treatment, and so you’ll then be free to carry on with your day.

Book your consultation and treatment with us today, and you could be completely fuzz-free in time for summer!


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