Meet Lou Newton

Lou Newton

Lou Newton, 34, who lives in Berkshire, has been enjoying life since the birth of her little girl. After her daughter was born, Lou set about getting back into shape, which is where her journey started. ”Getting back into shape was really hard. I lost the weight, but I lost my chest too. So I just thought ‘I’m going to do something about it’. After looking into it, I decided to go ahead with breast enlargement surgery at Transform. The effect of feeling good on the outside and having a good experience really does make you embrace everything around you. It really does, because you feel happy, you feel lifted.

“My decision to have breast enlargement was due to weight loss really. After putting on weight while pregnant, I had lost quite a lot.

"At the time I decided on my surgery my daughter was about six. She was at school and I felt it was time for a ‘bit of me time’ focussing on me after intense baby time and do something for me for a change."

Getting back into shape was really hard. I lost the weight, but I lost my chest too. So I just thought ‘I’m going to do something about it


I chose Transform because to be honest it was my first meeting with the patient coordinator. I went there to talk through what was on my mind and it was just a chat. I didn’t feel like I was being sold anything at all. I didn’t at any point feel pressurised, I felt comfortable and a nice atmosphere.

After that initial consultation the meeting with my surgeon was full of facts, he explained the procedure and what I could expect- he was very to the point, I wasn’t being talked into something.

After my surgery all my expectations where exceeded. I had been told the facts and in the end everything that I was expecting was exceeded. Even my aftercare, it was really great from start to finish.

I really believe they are a very ethical company in how they treat their patients.

Even from the moment I was waking up in the hospital it all felt really friendly, the whole experience was great.

You really can’t underestimate the power of feeling good and what it can do for you. When you feel good on the outside you feel good on the inside. I really do believe that now and I never felt that way before my operation. I never even thought about it. The effect of feeling good on the outside and having a good experience really does make you embrace everything around you. You feel happy, you feel lifted and you feel that you have got back to yourself. Sometimes having a child means you lose a bit of yourself and in a way Transform gave me that back.

I really think they are a very professional company. I’ve had two other procedures with them -cheek fillers and a Microdermabrasion facial – every procedure was great, I’d recommend them to anybody!

I know you’re not supposed to say it, but I think I look great and I feel like me again. I did it for me

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