30 October 2020

How your boobs will look throughout your lifetime

Boobs in your 20s, 30s, and beyond

No pair is the same, but regardless of their various shapes and sizes, our breasts are beautiful. Boobs play an important role in our identity as a woman, and because of this, it becomes easy for us to constantly critique the way our breasts look and make us feel.  But, we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves.

With puberty over and done with, you might believe that your breasts have finished growing or changing shape. This is a common misconception, and in fact, your breasts are likely to continue changing throughout your lifetime.

Visualising how our breasts might change over the years can be the hardest part. With that in mind, we are going to take a look at the changes your breasts may experience, whatever your age.

Boobs in your early 20s

By around age 20, you’ll most likely be waving goodbye the pains of puberty – but your boobs growth cycle doesn’t stop there. Weight fluctuations and hormone cycles will see your cup size vary accordingly during your 20s.

At this stage, it’s also important to familiarise yourself with your breasts and start checking them to ensure any changes, including any lumps or bumps that could potentially appear.

30s Onwards

Leaving our 20’s can feel like a liberating time in our life. We leave behind our insecurities of where we think we should be in our lives and instead embrace a new sense of confidence, looking forward to the exciting challenges that lie ahead.

When it comes to your bust, gravity is generally still your friend, and so your breasts are likely to look their fullest and perkiest during the flirty thirties. There is, however, some clever contouring tricks that can help give you that little extra boost!

Hopefully, despite the continuing hormonal and weight fluctuations, you’re feeling great about your body as you go through your 30s.

After Childbirth

Childbirth is one of the biggest and most magical moments in a woman’s life. It can, however, have profound effects on your boobs, both in terms of their size, shape and look. 

During pregnancy, your nipples may likely change colour and become tender, and you are also likely to see an increase in the size of your breasts. Whether you breastfeed or not, your boobs are likely to become less dense and full after giving birth.

Following childbirth, some women may struggle with the changes to their breasts. For those that do, there are some solutions that can help you get your boobs back to their former glory, from exercising to breast augmentation or ingeniously engineered bras.

50 Plus

As you enter the later stages of your life, it’s normal for gravity to take hold and for your breast tissue to become less glandular and fattier. Thus, they become less firm and full.

After menopause, you’re more likely to experience weight gain, meaning it’s possible your boobs will increase in size once again.

But, as with all the changes and factors we’ve discussed, there’s no clear pattern that every woman will notice or identify with. The way your boobs look and behave will never be identical to anyone else’s.

Keep an eye out for anything that isn’t normal for you, and you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy relationship with your bust no matter what life throws at you.


Boob Job Before & After Pictures

(slide left or right to view the before & after pictures)

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breast enlargement ba 31 After v3


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breast enlargement ba 24 After v2


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breast enlargement ba 9 After v3


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breast enlargement ba 30 After v3


1 Before


1 After v2


2 Before


2 After


4 Before


4 After


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