Is CoolSculpting safe?
CoolSculpting, lipo freeze, Cryolipolysis®- what is this new technology pledging to rid us of our unwanted fats? CoolSculpting is a non-invasive method of contouring the body by freezing and eliminating unwanted areas of fat, without the need for surgery. It is an FDA-approved treatment based on Cryolipolysis® technology- a medical term for destroying fat cells through freezing. With over 4 million treatments performed worldwide, CoolSculpting is one of the most popular non-surgical treatments at the moment. Boasting minimal downtime, minimal bruising and long-lasting results- CoolSculpting has a lot to offer patients looking for an alternative to liposuction. But how safe is CoolSculpting?
What happens during CoolSculpting treatment?
CoolSculpting works by supercooling unwanted fat cells until they reach a temperature at which they can no longer function. The dead cells are then gradually eliminated through the body’s natural processes (when you go for a wee). It can take up to 4 months for the final results to show. During the session:
1. A cool gel pad is placed over the chosen area to make sure your skin is protected and that the treatment is carried out at the proper temperature of -11°C.
2. The special cooling machine calculates the ideal temperature, before a fully trained practitioner clamps loose fat into `cooling plates`.
3. The temperature is slowly decreased until the fat cells freeze; a process that takes 1-2 hours depending on the treatment area.
4. CoolSculpting can treat most fat-prone areas including the chin, neck, stomach, thighs, tummy, hips, flanks (your sides), back, arms and banana peel (under the bum). It can’t be used on the face, calves, feet, ankles or hands.
To find out if you’re suitable for the procedure, book a free consultation with one of our CoolSculpting experts.
Will my skin freeze during CoolSculpting?
Fat freezes at a lower temperature than skin does, which is why CoolSculpting is effective in supercooling those cells away without causing any damage to the treatment area. Because CoolSculpting enables precise and controlled cooling, conditions such as frostbite and skin damage are extremely unlikely. While CoolSculpting is a safe, FDA approved Cryolipolysis® fat freezing treatment, `lookalike` treatments which are not approved or regulated do exist. Always make sure your treatment is carried out by a qualified practitioner who is fully trained in CoolSculpting.
What if the machine burns me?
The CoolSculpting by Zeltiq machine is one of the only machines of its kind that switches off automatically if a warning flags up. The thermoelectric cooling plates monitor the temperature of your skin throughout, and if the temperature falls more than it should, the machine automatically shuts down and the technician is alerted instantly. Due to the machine’s conscious effort to regulate the temperature of your skin, it is extremely unlikely that you will experience burns.
Are there any CoolSculpting risks that I should be aware of?
Patients commonly experience temporary redness, tingling sensations, tenderness, or skin sensitivity after undergoing a CoolSculpting session. These side effects are thought to be a result of exposure to cold temperatures and are nothing to worry about. Cryogenic fat removal comes with minimal risks and side effects, although these will be explained by a CoolSculpting specialist during your free consultation.
How much does CoolSculpting cost?
At Transform, our prices start from £750 per session. How much CoolSculpting costs will depend on which part of the body you wish to sculpt, and how many sessions you require. During your free consultation, our specialists will build a personalised treatment plan just for you to ensure you achieve your desired results.