21 April 2021

How to help manage stress and anxiety

For most adults, stress is just one of life’s realities. But often it’s how we respond to the frustrations we encounter, rather than the issues themselves, that can be the key to coping with them. April is Stress Awareness Month, and so we’re sharing 5 top tips on how to alleviate stress and anxiety in everyday life.

1. Step away from your phone

Find yourself scrolling on social media until 10 or 11pm every night? Yes, it’s something that most of us do! But spending a hefty portion of your evening on Instagram, Facebook and your other favourite social channels isn’t good for your mental health or productivity levels. In fact, drinking in pictures of perfect wardrobes and strangers living their ‘picture-perfect lives’ can be emotionally draining. Being stressed can create the urge for escapism and wanting to get away, so tap that `switch off` button and focus on how you can de-stress in real life, and real time, instead.

2. Leave your car keys at home

It’s a well-known fact that exercise is good for your mental and physical health. When your thoughts are filtered through the noise, you’ll start to think of solutions to your stresses, and the realisation that things may not be as bad as they seem will kick in. Try spending this time alone, or with a calming colleague with an ear to lend.

And the effects are amplified when you throw fresh air into the mix! Heading out for a walk on your lunch break will give you a chance to mull your to-dos over and really clear your head – plus being outdoors can do wonders for your skin and general wellbeing, too.

3. Surround yourself with the right people

When you’re angry, upset, frustrated or can’t explain your emotions, it always helps to be around people who understand you and know whether you need to grab a coffee or be left well alone. Spending time with those who make you happy can be good for your health. Laughing and smiling triggers endorphins (the happy hormone) which, when released, work to improve your body’s immunity and temporarily relieve pain and tension.

4. Tidy up your surroundings

Tidy desk = tidy mind! Keeping your work area organised is key to setting yourself up for the day. Having those crucial meeting notes or the receipt for your expenses to hand will help you feel more on top of life, and you’ll earn back the time you would have lost looking for them. The same applies to your makeup bag, and anywhere else you keep everyday belongings. And when you’re not stressed, others will notice, making you automatically feel more independent and ‘together’.

5. Make use of your lunch break

It’s all too easy to settle for a desk lunch and ‘forget’ to take a lunch break. Working lives are busy, and sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day - we’d be naïve to argue otherwise. But really, using time in the middle of your day to organise yourself actually frees up time in your busy week, and can also help you to do whatever you like at the weekend. Try getting some life admin done at lunchtime, such as taking a meter reading or booking a dental appointment. And once you’ve attended to those tasks, why not plan to visit your local Transform clinic for a lunchtime treatment treat like a hydrafacial or topping up your lip fillers? You can head back to work or your other life commitments afterwards, feeling refreshed and ready for any afternoon challenges.


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