04 February 2021

My boob job picture diary

Kirby decided that she wanted to feel healthier, happier and more confident. She had excess weight that she wanted to shift, and so she joined a healthy living group. After losing an amazing 2 ½ stone, she was delighted with her weight loss, but unfortunately it had had a negative impact on her breast size.

Kirby remembers, “I had gone from a C cup to an A/B cup and I wasn’t happy at all with the way I looked. I’d worked so hard to lose the weight, but I still had no confidence in wearing nice clothes because nothing was filling the top half any more.”

After looking at different options, Kirby decided that a breast enlargement was the best choice for her. “I had a family member who had been to Transform previously and they’d recommended the company to me.” she says, “I spoke to the Transform team and arranged a surgical video consultation.

“My surgeon was fantastic – really honest and straightforward. He helped me understand what could be achieved, and what would be the best shape for my body. We decided on 350cc under the muscle implants to give me enhanced, but natural-looking, breasts.”

Kirby’s surgery took place during the 2020 lockdown, meaning that she wasn’t able to have visitors with her at Transform’s Hospital, The Pines, in South Manchester. Despite this, she felt very cared for and comfortable. “The hospital was fantastic,” she says. “It was so clean and comfortable. All the nurses were amazing. They offered first class care from the minute I walked in until the time I left.”

Whilst many boob job patients heal quickly and without complications, there are occasions where it can take a little longer. As Transform’s recovery advice says: ‘Your breasts will be sensitive and swollen for quite a few weeks. You should rest as much as you can and avoid strenuous activity or stretching, especially until your stitches have been removed. Within six to eight weeks, your body should have healed to the extent that you’ll see the full results of your boob job.’

And so it was in Kirby’s case. “I had a few minor complications, and quite a lot of bruising,” she remembers. “However, I was able to manage with pain killers, and the Leeds clinic was really supportive with check-ups and phone calls. They helped me feel at ease throughout my recovery.

“I am now 6 weeks post-op and I feel fantastic! I have been wearing the Macom support bras as advised, but am also able to wear tops that I would never have dreamed of wearing before. I can go out of the house and not worry about how I look. In fact, I look amazing! I love it.

“My advice to anyone who is thinking about surgery is to just go for it! You might have various reasons for looking into having the procedure, but I can honestly say that following through with it is not something you’ll regret in any way.”

Kirby documented her breast augmentation journey with pictures. Here’s her boob job diary:


“I’m really nervous about taking this picture – I’d never take pictures like this before, because I really don’t like how I look! I know I’ll be glad I did afterwards, though.”


2 days post-surgery

“I can’t believe how amazing they look! I’ve got a lot of post-op pain as expected, but am so happy with them.”


2 weeks post-surgery

“I’m really in love with how my boobs look – even with the extra bruising! I’ve spoken to the clinic about some post-op pain I’ve experienced and they’ve helped me feel supported throughout.”


3-4 weeks post-surgery

“I’ve had regular contact with my surgeon assistant – she’s been so reassuring and helpful with any questions that I’ve had. I was prescribed some pain relief from my GP and that has helped a lot. The shape is still settling a bit, but can you believe how incredible my boobs are? I can’t wait to see the final results.”


6 weeks post-surgery

“Just look at how much the shape and size has settled over the last 3 weeks! I’m pretty much fully recovered now. I could not be happier with the way they look. I’m so glad I took the pre-op picture. It means I can see how far I’ve come. I went from an A/B cup to a D/DD. I have so much to look forward to. I can’t wait to go bikini shopping, wear a proper bra without needing padding, and putting on a nice dress for a night out. I know that I’ll look and feel amazing!”


Kirby’s self-confidence was transformed after undergoing a breast augmentation. If you’d like to start your own breast surgery journey, book your free consultation today.



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