11 January 2018

Keeping you safe in our clinics

As a business with patient care at its heart, the last few months at Transform have been frustrating.

It’s what we love doing, but lockdown meant we couldn’t continue to operate until government advice allowed it. And we know that it’s been just as frustrating for our patients.

We haven’t been idle during the long weeks and months of lockdown. Instead, we’ve been planning and preparing, putting lots of hard work into ensuring that our clinics would be safe environments for both our patients and our colleagues when we were able to return to them.

In the week before restrictions were lifted, members of our teams were making sure that their clinics were completely ready for the return of their patients. Keeping everyone safe will always be our top priority, and we have implemented comprehensive infection control measures and processes which we’re following rigorously.

Now, however, we’re delighted to be open again and ready to welcome patients old and new to our clinics across the UK.

Stefanie Humphreys is our Clinic Manager at Cardiff, and it reopened on Monday 13th July. She explains, “Lots of preparation took place in the run up to reopening. We went through a full risk assessment, and we worked hard to get the clinic to where it needed to be prior to welcoming our patients back.

“Before our patients arrive, we ask them some Covid-19 related health questions, and we encourage them to attend the clinic on their own unless they need extra help.

“When they get to the clinic, a protective screen separates our receptionist from them at our clinic, and we take their temperature. Our clinic staff have regular temperature testing too.

“2 metre social distancing is adhered to wherever possible, and there’s a one way system in the clinic, so that patients are keeping unnecessary contact to a minimum. Hand sanitiser is freely available and we encourage everyone to use it frequently. The team wears PPE, and we’re not allowed false nails or to have long hair loose!

“We’ve cleared out the clinic, because we can’t have any anything on display, such as leaflets and brochures. Although it may look a little bare now, as we’re wiping everything down each hour, this makes it much easier to ensure our cleaning regime is completely effective. “The ‘new normal’ may be a slightly different experience for us and for our patients, but we’re really enjoying seeing them in the clinic again after all this time.”

Requirements when you visit us:

  • Attend your appointment at the time given to you. Please do not arrive early.
  • Please attend the appointment on your own, unless you require additional support.
  • Please come to the clinic with a face covering in place. If you do not, unfortunately you will not be admitted.
  • Please do not attend your appointment at the clinic if you:
    • Are currently under advice from NHS Test and Trace to self-isolate
    • Are currently suspected of having COVID-19
    • Have had contact with or are living with someone suspected or confirmed with having COVID-19, unless following such contact you have completed a 14-day isolation period
    • Have had a fever or high temperature (37.8° Celsius or above) in the last 14 days
    • Have anosmia (loss of sense of smell and/or taste)
    • Have had a cough or any other respiratory signs of illness in the last 14 days Are pregnant (with the exception of gastric band patients who urgently require their band to be loosened)
  • For gastric band adjustment patients: Please bring a bottle of cold water with you to drink in the clinic room following your band adjustment.
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