Nipple correction surgery is a procedure designed to project the nipple out from the areola, meaning inverted nipples will point outwards rather than in.
Inverted nipples are very common, but they can make you feel self-conscious in intimate situations. In some cases, surgery may not be required, as this can be corrected with a suction technique. The severity of the inverted nipple will determine whether or not you’ll need surgery.
Inverted nipples usually develop during puberty and are the result of short milk ducts which can be corrected by the procedure, giving you natural-looking nipples which point outwards.
If inverted nipples are something you’ve been embarrassed about, you may feel a boost in your self-confidence after the procedure.
As with every surgical procedure, it’s important that you’re aware of any potential risks that nipple correction surgery may pose, however small, so that you can weigh these up against the benefits that surgery can bring.
Your surgeon assistant and expert surgeon will be happy to discuss any possible complications and give you detailed information regarding the procedure. As a guide, these may include bleeding, infections, bruising, numbness and scars.
Nipple correction surgery may be right for you if you feel unhappy or self-conscious about having inverted nipples. Though it is usually a painless condition, you may be distressed by it and feel that your nipples look distorted. It can also be a problem if you’re trying to breastfeed and the baby is having problems latching on to the inverted nipple.
Whatever your reasons for looking into nipple correction, Transform Hospital Group is here to help.
As a responsible provider of cosmetic surgery, we understand that each individual’s procedure is different, so our treatment plans are tailored specifically around your own unique needs. Because of this, the nipple correction cost can vary, depending on the type of surgery you need.
We place a great deal of importance on our free face to face, no obligation consultations, during which you can discuss your requirements with your surgeon assistant. They’ll provide a detailed overview of the nipple correction cost and the various payment plans we have available. As well as being able to pay for your procedure outright, you can choose to spread the cost over several years via our flexible finance plans. Please view our pricing and finance page to read more about these.
As a responsible provider of cosmetic surgery, we understand that everyone’s procedure is different, so our treatment plans are tailored specifically around you. Because of this, the cost of a nipple correction can vary.
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